North London Lettering Association


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Events in 2014


Tuesday 21 January  –   Simon Langsdale    
‘Angel Delight : The Story of the Making of a Memorial Stone’ 

Tuesday 18 February  –  Members’ Evening 
Members to bring in work on the theme of Nature 

Workshop at Cufos –  on Saturday 8 March 10am to 4pm –Tutor: Cherrell Avery
‘Letters Unleashed’ 

Tuesday 18 March  –  Anne Cox   –  A practical evening:
‘Bags, Bags, Bags!’ 

Tuesday 15 April  – NLLA’s Thirteenth AGM  
followed by Cherrell Avery talking about her Residency at the V&A

Tuesday 20 May  –  Nancy Ouchida Howells 
‘Life and Work of David Howells’  

Tuesday 17th June – "Coming full circle – my calligraphic journey" by Michela Antonello

Tuesday 15 July
 –  Summer Social at Cufos  

Tuesday 16 September  –  Martin Cook, stone carver  –  ‘From The British Museum to Chelsea Gold’  –  recent projects

Workshop at Cufos  –  on Saturday 18 October  10am to 4pm –Tutor: Lin Kerr  –  title to be confirmed

Tuesday 21 October  –  Patricia Lovett MBE   –  ‘Gold on Parchment’ 

Tuesday 18 November  –  Members’ Evening  – ‘Cutting a cascade of letters’  –  a joint project





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