North London Lettering Association


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Completed Events to date in 2013


January –  Mark l’Argent  –  ‘Introduction to Cut Lettering'  –  bring your cutting mat and knife with scalpel blade

Tuesday 19 February – Roger Hobdell  –  Sketches, Notebooks, Experiments

Saturday 9 March – NLLA Workshop at Cufos – tutor:  Mark l’Argent  –  ‘Cut Lettering' 

Tuesday 19 March – Caroline Walker – ‘The Life and Work of MacDonald Gill’.  Eric Gill’s brother, MacDonald, was a decorative mapmaker, architect, letterer and graphic artist.  Caroline is their great-niece.

Tuesday 16 April – NLLA Twelfth AGM  – followed by members bringing work in progress or work to show.

Tuesday 21 May – Edward Wates – Book-making: My Experiences in the making of printed and hand-made books.

Tuesday 18 June – Paul Antonio – Understanding Copperplate – its history and structure.

Tuesday 16 July – Summer Social

Tuesday 17th September - Sally Mae Joseph -
"Commissions, Teaching & a Bit of Play!"

Saturday 28 September, 10am to 4pm
NLLA Workshop at Cufos
Tutor: Cathy Stables
‘Lombardic Capitals and Patterns in Gold’.

Tuesday 15th October - Mark Winstanley of Wyvern Bindery - "The Garima Gospels".

Tuesday 19th November - Ann Bowen - "My Working Life as a Calligrapher, Heraldic Artist & Illuminator".





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