North London Lettering Association


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Events in 2012


Tuesday 17 January  - Sharon Shaw "A  self-help guide to successful Calligraphy" - A light hearted discussion about the emotional, rather than technical, pitfalls which can impede our progress.

Tuesday  21 February - Roger Hobdell spoke about his Solo Exhibition. 

Tuesday 20 March - Richard Kindersley gave an illustrated talk about the Bomber Command Memorial he is currently working on near Hyde Park Corner. 

Tuesday 17 April - Eleventh Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 15 May - "Very personal cards" presented by Mark Woodall from his photo library.

Tuesday 19 June - Tim Noad - - "Herald Painter and Scrivener".

Saturday  23 June - NLLA was at the Cufos Centre as part of  AP and Beyond which is an Alexandra Park Art and Music Festival.  Members of NLLA showed their work and demonstrated calligraphy, as well as encouraging visitors to 'try their hand'. 

Tuesday 17 July -  Summer Party.

Tuesday 18 September – Simon Langsdale  – ‘Making Letters Live: Edward Johnston Commemorating the Dead of Two World Wars’

Saturday 29 September – NLLA Workshop at Cufos –  tutor:  Rosella Garavaglia  – Brush Lettering.  10am to 4pm

Tuesday 16 October
– Viva Lloyd – ‘A Life in Lettering’

Tuesday 20 November - Members evening - Tea towel letters






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