North London Lettering Association


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Events in 2011


To current programme

27 November 2010 – 9 January 2011 – Display of Christmas Cards by NLLA members at Church Farm-house Museum, Greyhound Hill, Hendon NW4

Tuesday 18 January  –  Cherrell Avery – Discussion evening with slides – the recent CLAS Exhibition ‘Small Objects of Desire’

Tuesday 15 February  –  James Wade  - ‘The Manuscript of the Morte d’Arthur’ - Sir Thomas Malory and his Scribes 

Tuesday 15 March  –  Sylvia Thomas – ‘Cola Pens’   – a practical evening.

Tuesday 19 April  –  NLLA’s Tenth AGM   – followed by Satsuki  Hatsushima  –  ‘Thoughts about Calligraphy from a Japanese perspective’

Tuesday 17 May
“Small Objects of Desire”– Part Two continuing the discussion of the CLAS Exhibition led by Cherrell Avery.

Tuesday 21 June – 'Writing with a Needle'– Ros Wyatt

Tuesday 19 July – Summer Social

Sunday 31 July - Wednesday 31 August  –  NLLA 10th Anniversary Exhibition –  ‘Words Made Beautiful’  – at the Phoenix Cinema, East Finchley, London

Tuesday 20 September – 'William Morris as Renaissance Scribe'  The ways in which Morris anticipated Johnston's work – John Nash

Tuesday 18 October – 'Quill Preparation'– Mark L'Argent

Tuesday 15 November – 'Origami with a Christmas Message'– Anne Cox





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