North London Lettering Association


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Events in 2009


To current programme


Tuesday 20 January –  Frances Federer  –  ‘Gilding on Glass’ –  A quick tour through its history, from the Renaissance to the present day

Tuesday 17 February
  –  Mick Paine  –  an overview of his work including “This Perfect Threshold” at the Intercontinental Hotel 

Tuesday 17 March
  –  Alec Peever  –  stone carver  Lettering is Drawing

Tuesday 21 April Annual General Meeting – followed by Simon Langsdale  ‘Always I begin again’  an illustrated talk

Tuesday 19 May  –  Ewan Clayton    recent work

Tuesday 16 June – Rosella Garavaglia –
'Commissions and inspiration'

Tuesday 21 July – Summer Social – this year's theme was 'I saw this and thought of NLLA', members brought and shared something that had inspired them.

Tuesday 15 September – Christopher Beney – 'Living with a calligrapher' – a view of Hazel Beney's work over the years.

17 September to 4 October – NLLA exhibition at Keats House, Hampstead – 'Keats through Lettering'.

Tuesday 20 October – Elizabeth Sobczynski of the Levantine Foundation – 'Preserving the oldest monastic collection: the Deir al Surian Library'.

Tuesday 17 November – John Neilson – 'Can't you get a machine to do that?'

Sunday 6 December  to  Wednesday 6 January
'Christmas at Church Farm' - Display of Christmas cards by NLLA members at Church Farmhouse Museum, Hendon, NW4.





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