E L S T R E E   A E R O D R O M E   C O N S U L T I T I V E   C O M M I T T E E

 Minutes of the 102nd Meeting
of the Elstree Aerodrome Consultative Committee
held on 18th June 2007 at the Aerodrome Restaurant,

Present:                  John Houlder                          Montclare
Don Hodgson                         Montclare Shipping Company
M O’Brien                                ACE
Chris Beney                             ACE
Rod Wood                               Cabair Helicopters
Tony Creese                            Chief  Instr. Cabair Fixed Wing
Mick Browse                           Head AFISO
Cllr Roger Kutchinskey         Hertsmere BC
Cllr Dan Griffen                       Hertsmere BC
Michael Colne                         ACE
Chris DeLashey                      ACE

Tony Creese  chaired the meeting Chris Beney took the minutes                         

1        Apologies   Cllr Martin Saunders, Hugh Jones, Henry Holland Hibbert, Robert Reith, Audrey Holland, David Lambert

2        Minutes of last meeting     Agreed.

3        Matters arising not being taken later  
# Press reports of 100th meeting and the Yellow Book were mentioned. Watford Observer & Borehamwood Post reports were made available.

4        Hertsmere indemnity
The indemnity sheet offered by Hertsmere to us as well as to other organisations was discussed. It was not entirely clear whether we were the sort of organisation for which it was intended. However it was agreed that it was better to fill it in than not and the secretary was requested to do it on behalf of the committee.

5        London Helicopters (GLC initiative)
Chris Beney reported on a meeting he had attended in London with the GLC, the AEF and other interested people. There had been growing disquiet at the numbers times and loudness of helicopters in central London, also some concerns over banner towing. A paper has been published that was more a book than a paper and a copy was tabled (then lent to Cabair). Rod Wood had attended an earlier GLC meeting on this helicopter issue. It appears that Battersea Heliport now has some form of consultative committee.
Some of the GLC flying was aircraft from Elstree,
Cabair explained why their banner towing was in fact very safe. Don Hodgson confirmed that Elstree bans the picking up of banners from the airborne mode.     

6        Mr Jacobson’s helicopter
This one helicopter (and occasionally another) follows our routes as far as possible. He tries to avoid other people’s property too. Rod wood had looked at this route and just to east of Roundbush. It was agreed to invite Mr Jacobson to our meeting in October or January sometime between 5.30 and 6.30.

Dan Griffen had recently canvassed Round Bush and helicopters had not been raised as an issue.                   

7        Complaints
Hilfield Lane South is quiet but not resolved. Non Elstree helicopter pilots should look at Pooley’s, clearly not all do. Good to get our routes into Air Pilot, but probably not possible. The question of an/the aerodrome website showing the routes was raised. Further thought needed on this routing issue.

Helicopter and fixed wing complaints maps were tabled with some notes by the secretary.

Arising from complaints #916 & #910 it was agreed that where ATC deals with issues itself (ie without a member of the public contacting them) that event would be tagged at least and thus reported on. Secretary to amend the log sheets to accommodate that.

Arising from complaint, unnumbered of 9th June 2007 (where aircraft had appeared to break the rules by flying straight out). Air Traffic was closed, next day there were no records of any flight. ?CCTV. Cabair will tighten up the logging in-out process. Montclare will then review the issue.

It was agreed that the overall numbers of complaints is pretty satisfactory at present.

8        Matters raised by members in turn.
# Chris DeLashey brought another 25 aircraft times for aerodrome to check and review. Tony Creese felt strongly that aircraft should stick to the rules.

9        Any plans?
Nothing new

10    Dates of next two meetings:

The dates of the next meetings of the Committee will be Tuesday 16th October 2007
(Chris DeLashey, being next alphabetically, invited to take the chair).
The following meeting is set, provisionally, for Tuesday 15th or 22nd January 2008.
Both  meetings at 5.30 p.m.